Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Monsoon Tips for your Air Conditioning System and Home

Photo taken by Jeff Beamish

In late June, the heat rises to uncomfortable levels. Dry grasses bake in relentless sun and shade is favored over distance while parking. Then the wind picks up. Clouds start rolling in. Cumulus thunderclouds blacken the sky, and most Arizonans wait anxiously to listen to the first drops of the rhythm of the rain.

Rain is much needed here in Arizona. However, monsoon storms can be destructive. That's why it's important to be one step ahead of the storm and take proper measures so your family is prepared for chances of a potential monsoon fallout.

  1. Trim back vegetation.
Prune your trees so there aren’t branches touching your roof or house. If branches are too close, there is a chance they will smash into your home. Remove any branches that look dead; they’ll be the first to fall during a storm and will prevent excessive cleanup after the storm hits. Also, thin out the leaves. If you have young, fragile trees, stake them to the ground because they will be especially susceptible to damage during a monsoon storm.

    2. Replace your air filters.

System air filters can get clogged quickly during dust storms. Start off the season by replacing them, and then make sure to check them frequently – particularly after a storm. By doing so, you’ll enable your air conditioner to run more efficiently while also improving your indoor air quality.

     3. Consider Moving your AC unit to higher ground.

Besides being struck by debris or potential lighting power surges, the other leading cause of AC damage during monsoon season is flooding. The only practical way to reducing this potential threat is to consider moving your cooling unit to a higher platform.

     4. Get a tune up.

This is the time of year when you definitely don’t want to experience a system failure. Temperatures can climb into the 90s inside your home if it’s not air conditioned. Don’t take the chance!! Get a tune up to ensure everything is running smoothly. Call Excel Mechanical, Inc. today to schedule a maintenance tune up.

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