Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Thermostat Facts for Living In Arizona During The Summer Season.

Thermostat Facts for Living In Arizona During The Summer Season.

Fact #1 -  Avoid cranking down the thermostat when you first turn on your air conditioner.
  We can’t seem to help ourselves. We push the elevator button even though it’s already lit. It’s the same thing with the thermostat. We crank the thermostat down to arctic temperatures in the hopes that it will cool faster. Except this isn’t how heat and AC systems work. Our homes don’t become cooler any faster, I can’t speak for the elevator, but I can tell you that playing the Air Conditioning Limbo game (How low can you go!) can actually damage your AC unit. So QUIT IT!


Fact #2 – Don’t turning off your thermostat during the Day.
 Many homeowners make the mistake of shutting off their thermostat and AC while They are away from home, believing it will conserve energy. In fact, turning off your AC unit is the worst thing you can do to save energy. An AC unit works best when it only slightly needs to cool a home. If the internal temperature is above 85 degrees, and you set the thermostat to the lower 70s, your AC unit will have to work extremely hard to get your home to that desired temperature.
 Another solution to this problem would be to buy a programmable thermostat. You can buy a programmable thermostat for about $30 and save hundreds on your AC bill each summer. Just set the thermostat to turn off the system before you leave for work , and set it to turn back on a half-hour before you're due home. If you'd rather keep your home at minimum cool- set it for 78 while you're gone, to drop back to 68 just before you arrive home.
Fact #3 Thermostat Calibration is Important

 A thermostat is a calibrated electrical and mechanical system that monitors temperature and then sends a signal to the AC system to cool. However, if the censoring systems within the thermostat are not properly calibrated, it can extremely affect your comfort quality. All it takes is slight bump from a passing shoulder or kids getting a little too rough inside the house can cause a thermostat to fall out of calibration. It’s also possible for a thermostat to become out of calibration over time.

 A solution to this problem is to have your thermostat calibrated once a year, call Excel Mechanical, Inc. to schedule a routine service call.

Thermostat Facts for Living In Arizona During The Summer Season.

Thermostat Facts for Living In Arizona During The Summer Season.     Fact #1 -   Avoid cranking down the thermostat when you f...